Colt Automatic Pistol and Revolver Information - 25 years of Service to Colt Firearms Collectors




Singer Contract Model 1911A1 U.S. Army .45 ACP - Serial Number X00

Singer Model 1911A1 Tool Model
Private Collection

This pistol was produced in 1943 and stored in the "white" at the sewing machine vault in Elizabeth, NJ.  In 1968, it was removed from the vault and blued at the Singer tool room and presented to Wilbur S. Peets, Vice President of Manufacturing upon his retirement.  The wooden case built at the Singer Furniture factory in Tocca, GA along with a Singer oiler and ammunition was also included. 

This pistol was offered for sale in 1992 by a seller who was soliciting bids.  The gun eventually ended up with a gun dealer from Georgia who offered it for sale for $75,000.  It's current whereabouts are unknown.  The picture came from a color flyer that the original seller sent to collectors.

Accompanying this set is a letter on Singer letterhead from the son of the person to whom this pistol was presented:

"The pistol you received from me was presented to my father, Wilbur S. Peets, in 1968 upon his retirement.  Mr. Peets was a Vice President of Manufacturing in the Singer Corporation when these pistols were made.

The Singer pistol you have was the first tool=made sample to be manufactured.   Originally, the pistol had no finish but before presenting it to Mr. Peets, the pistol was polished and blued in our own toolroom.  To the best of my knowledge, this was the only pistol to leave the factory with that finish.

The wooden display case you received with the pistol was specially made in the Singer Furniture Factory in Toccoa, Georgia.

Very truly yours,

Robert S. Peets
Cabinet Design & Development

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January 2022

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